Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Miniature bisque buildings

My neighbor poured several buildings in slip and fired them in the kiln.  She gave me the bisque ones.  I liked them so much that I asked her to pour more!  So now you can also decorate these wonderful old style buildings.  Perfect for 1:144 scale villages.  Or even N scale railroads.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fantasy Film Sheets

A dear friend, Sandy Bosley,  made this wonderful sculpture using the Fantasy Film sheets to make the wings. totally Awesome!  Beautiful Work Sandy!!

New Sculpting tools coming in

Just found a new one woman company who is making her own sculpting tools.  Based on the samples that I have gotten, they look like they will be a fantastic addition to any sculptors tool box.  Look for a new post when they arrive and I will be taking photos and putting up.  I am starting out with the 2 tools that I think people will use the most, a loop tool and a mini spoon tool  Since the tools have 2 to a handle that amounts to 4 new tools for the sculptor! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Art Abandonment

Just had an artist purchase the hinged heart tins for the Art Abandonment project.  That is just a wonderful way to spread art and creativity!  Way to Go!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2012 Olympics

Wow!  What a team the USA has! Missy Franklin!  WoHoooo!  You go girl!  The beach volleyball placers are Aces!  The womens gymnastics team!  Such tremendous talent.  So happy for all of you - whether you win a metal or not, I just think you are wonderful athletes.

Terra Cotta brown sugar discs are ordered

Was able to order these so they are on the way!  Will put them on my airdry clay page on my website www.clayalley.com

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Air Dry Clay TIP - how to keep it moist when in storage

Here is an excellent tip for keeping your air dry clay moist after you are done with it and putting it away for several days.  Get a terra cotta brown sugar disc.  Soak it in water for 15 minutes and then put it in your package of clay. Seal it in a zip lock bag and that does it.  When you open your clay again, it should be moist like new.  Need to reactive the brown sugar disc?  Soak it in water for 10 minutes and you can keep doing that indefinitely!  Keep all your air dry clays soft and moist and ready for use when you are ready to sculpt!  I am checking to see if I can get them in so if you can't find any locally, watch for a new products post from me.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Taz is the newest member of the Staff

Meet Taz, the newest member of the Clay Alley staff.  Taz came to us in June from a neighboring town.  A whirlwind of activity and the pitter-pat sound of running through the house greets us every day - most of the day ---- and the night ---- jumping, pouncing, climbing,  Most times the other cats just watch her go by.... Riley will run with her a bit but Sophie just walks away..  Rosie keeps her in line.  So the Staff is getting used to each other.