Taco, is the Manx, Maine Coon cat that we adopted several years ago. Lately we noticed that he had lost a bit of weight and wasn't really eating all that much. We became concerned and took him to the vet. Turns out that on the whole, he is pretty healthy. The only thing that was commented on was that he had some sugar in his urine. The vet started talking blood tests, insulin, and well, it was too much to digest at one time..... came home and when I had my wits about me again, I decided to do some checking for info on the net. .... funny how we now turn to the internet when looking up information anymore. Used to be, we took the docs word as gospel and that was that. Now we turn to the net to dig up more info. Any way, found a Pet wellness site that had a pretty good reputation for one of its natural meds for diabetic cats. Figured that since he had some sugar, it would help him..... so I plunked down my money (okay, paypal) and waited. Shipped the same day and I got it fast.... He's been on it for a couple of days and already he is eating more. Seems to be at the food bowl a lot more now. I have my fingers crossed that it really helps him.